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CNN & FOX News both

CNN & FOX News both  

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Author: How is it   Date: 2/2/2023 9:47:08 AM  +5/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

As helicoother pilots. So many of you are absolutley blind, numb, and for a lack of better words, braindead.

you're so close minded that you cannot even remotely consider that these shots could potentially cause something negative. 

Im thankful that at least I don't have to associate with ANY of you ems Tards except when we're at a big airport and you come over like a kid seeing their Xmas presents glowing eyed trying to talk about / meet getting into the big iron. Nothing is worse than faking liking you & praying you would just go away. 

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CNN & FOX News both +9/-8 Anyone else 2/1/2023 8:31:37 PM