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Author: Whateva   Date: 12/23/2022 8:57:21 PM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Ya, the stats...the real stats...although adverse events are higher than should be & provided you survive the 1st month, your risk of death from the shot decreases significantly. Now, how many years you lost on the back end is the real question, add to that all those 1980-90's Navy ashore rage parties in Po city...ya, you ain't gonna live past 72-83...oh, depends on how many eggs, processed meat / bacon you eat too...exercise, BMI...genetics....figure the shot probably took, tops 5-10 years off...just spend more after retirement.

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recurrent +1/-2 inspectordetector 12/23/2022 1:15:07 PM
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         recurrent  +1/-1 Whateva 12/23/2022 8:57:21 PM
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