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Author: inspectordetector   Date: 12/23/2022 1:15:07 PM  +1/-2  

Airlines added to their annual sim training a scenario where a pilot dies suddenly

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recurrent +1/-2 inspectordetector 12/23/2022 1:15:07 PM
       recurrent  +0/-0 And then 12/23/2022 2:30:49 PM
         recurrent  +0/-3 Amcmed 12/23/2022 2:35:18 PM
           recurrent  +3/-2 I agree 12/23/2022 2:36:29 PM
       recurrent  +4/-0 Nothing 12/23/2022 2:58:13 PM
         recurrent  +1/-1 Whateva 12/23/2022 8:57:21 PM
           recurrent  +0/-1 We 12/29/2022 11:03:25 AM
       recurrent  +0/-1 cheap 12/24/2022 12:31:48 PM
       recurrent  +4/-2 bird strike 12/25/2022 9:20:26 AM