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Military command time.

Military command time.   

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Author: Reading between the lines...   Date: 12/17/2022 6:16:04 PM  +13/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Leadership. The ability to lead people. Inspire people. Motivate people.

Leading people is a much different proposition than simply "managing" people or "commanding" troops. Working for a real leader is a very different experience than simply reporting to a boss or following orders.

It's is a rare quality anywhere and has nothing to do with issuing military orders. If you stumble upon an individual who is a true leader, you need to do what you can to hire and retain them, no matter their previous professional background. Train and develop them if needed, but whatever you do, don't make the mistake of discriminating against them based on some narrow minded anti-military bias. Service in the military does not imply that someone is a gifted leader, but the military does attract it's share of natural leaders and this industry could certainly use their help.

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Military command time. +4/-8 Ems lp 12/17/2022 5:27:09 PM