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been flying commercial for 20 years

been flying commercial for 20 years  

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Author: Actually utility   Date: 9/16/2022 12:21:30 AM  +0/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

First, you’re a troll! Otherwise you’re an azzz! Seems a lot of ‘other’ flyers think we utility flyers are dirty coveralls hicks just barely a step from tractor drivers.
We all can navigate the airspaces, know weather minimums, can often interpret FAR’s from memory. It’s just different than corporate or HAA.

Can you write a congested area plan to lift a 3000 pound air conditioner from the street to a 25 story building in downtown Dallas?

On the other hand I have no idea how to do an instrument approach to a hospital rooftop.
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been flying commercial for 20 years +0/-4 masta says i need atp 9/15/2022 7:18:10 PM