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Special issuance Medical

Special issuance Medical  

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Author: X OCONUS IP   Date: 9/5/2022 11:40:54 PM  +2/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes while working overseas.  Unfortunately it runs in my family.  It took the local medical folks 4 weeks to see the medication was effective; and I had to do a cardiac stress to prove I didn't have any circulation issues, and an expanded eye exam.  The AME gave me a Class 1 certificate at the end of the 4 weeks.  I had to renew it every 6 months and they checked my blood sugar each time.  The stress test and eye exam were annual requirements.

I got back to the USA and reported my Type 2 on my first physical back.  I had an FAA form to get filed out and signed by my PCP.  The AME submitted it about a week after my Class 2.  He said he "hoped" it would take about a month to get the SI, but he could issue the renewals after that, as long as the form showed bt BS was under control.  BTW, no stress test or eye exam requirements.  ???  No such luck!  The exam and blood test were done in mid August and the SI wasn't issued until Feb!!!  Oh, and everytime I called to find out what the hold up was, I got VM message that said leave your info and we'll get back to you.  They never did.  I asked my AME to get involved and, instead, he gave me the number he used to call OKC.  I got an actual person the very first time I called, and boy were they P ! ZZED that I wasn't an AME calling that number!  When they asked why I called that number I told them it was because I'd been leaving weekly messages at the other number for 4 months and NO ONE had called me back.  They took my infor and said I'd "hear" from someone "soon."  I still haven't gotten a call from OKC.  A month later I complained to my Congresswoman's office and a couple of weeks later I got my SI and related paperwork in the mail. 

The funny part for me is that 2 years later I decided to retire and didn't get a physical.  Boy did I start getting hate mail for OKC.  Get us the form or else!  We're goig to sic the cops on you!  Etc.  After each certified letter I got from the FAA I sent a certified letter back saying "I've retired and don't even fly privately, so please update your records and stop threatening me."  It was like they NEVER got one of my letters, which I know they did because the USPS verified it for me.  Finally, I just stopped responding.  About 6 or 7 months after the first letter I got one saying my SI was rescended and they better not catch me flying!!!

The FAA in OKC is incompetent and they SUCK.  Good luck my friend!


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Special issuance Medical +0/-0 How long does it take 9/3/2022 5:10:42 PM