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Author: Doomed to repeat history   Date: 7/13/2022 6:40:24 AM  +1/-6   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Yes please go to and click on the more frequently asked questions page, then the why didn’t I recieve a card link. The text below will pop up. Please please please reply to these clowns. I can’t wait to watch the total comedy show that is the EIEIO union Go at it again. These guys represent hookers and taxi cab drivers (they got them fired as well with Ill-advised strikes)  They already destroyed two local unions and forced the shut down of three bases. Not to mention the Great strike action from the PHI pilots back in the day that opened the door for PHI tongut them the first time around.  Please give them another chance at PHI. I want to get my bucket of popcorn and watch the total incompetence run amuck again. These guys are 0-3 with local union chapters and went 0-7 with Bristow at arbitration’s. They like to pick fights over stupidity, its like wathing monkeys trying to do calculus. Why don’t you just drag up the special needs treasurer that can’t count above 20 cause he runs out of fingers and toes. Hey, what about this, why don’t we ask where all the dues money went? Didn’t go to the people. Also why don’t we ask if the EIEIO union was so great, why did the same people that are now asking you to email them not vote yes for their own union? Ask them that. You heard right. Every union officer chose to not even vote yes as they told everyone else to follow them. They  Set everyone up for the firing squad. Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it. All links and text below are from the public rotor union website verbatim from the link that was shared in this thread. 

If you did not receive a packet we probably do not have your correct address. To keep you fully informed about your organizing campaign we need your home and e-mail addresses. Please send your info to George Evans at

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PHI health mech union again +1/-3 who should I contact IAM or OPIEU 7/12/2022 12:18:31 PM