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Author: PHI PECOS TEXAS    Date: 7/10/2022 10:21:39 AM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Also is a 14/14....housing to

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14/14 +0/-0 schedule 7/9/2022 9:07:51 PM
       14/14  +1/-0 PHI does some and AMC  7/9/2022 9:14:33 PM
         14/14  +0/-0 Tuc 7/9/2022 10:45:23 PM
           14/14  +0/-0 PHI PECOS TEXAS  7/10/2022 10:21:39 AM
             14/14  +0/-0 Anonymous 7/11/2022 6:44:35 PM
       14/14  +0/-0 It’s all in the reflexes  7/9/2022 9:30:56 PM
         14/14  +1/-1 Survival Flight 7/9/2022 9:37:41 PM
           14/14  +0/-0 CAM 7/9/2022 11:53:09 PM
       14/14  +0/-1 Yep 7/10/2022 11:33:23 AM
       14/14  +2/-1 Good 7/10/2022 4:59:12 PM