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"... it would be impossible..."

"... it would be impossible..."   

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Author: Anonymous   Date: 7/4/2022 7:10:38 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Not if they had the wrong frequency tuned in, and they were both busy arguing about union stuff.   Seems a "we fell asleep because our schedules were gruesome and we were fatigues" would have been the easy/best answer.   INstead, they insisted they weren't asleep, and were on the wrong frequency while "reviewing" their flight schedule bidding process.   And, ironically, the CVR didn't have any history on the loop because the microphone must have "malfunctioned".


This is hardly a case for fatigue, hardly an accident, and hardly Part 135.



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Q: How many accidents can you think of that are attributed to Part 135 (NT) +1/-1 Duty/Rest violations or issues? 6/28/2022 2:33:44 PM