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Want to get management's attention about pay?

Want to get management's attention about pay?  

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Author: Kinda   Date: 6/30/2022 10:27:07 PM  +6/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

hanging it out by doing that but I get the sentiment.

My son who is a VP with a large engineering firm says he labor market is the tightest he has seen it in over thirty years; says almost all companies are working at 90% capacity or higher due to labor shortages.

Moral of the story the OP mentions you might be surprised about similar parallel skill jobs you may fit quite comfortably within and from what I hear that is very plausible.

Good luck.

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Want to get management's attention about pay? +6/-4 Anonymous 6/30/2022 4:10:34 PM