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Swap years of life for military flight school service obligation

Swap years of life for military flight school service obligation  

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Author: olderendirt   Date: 5/1/2022 12:33:30 AM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Swap years of life for military flight school service obligation or spend years of your life paying a student loan. You'll eat more regularly in the service but the school slots are very, very competitive.

I've civilians who were dumber'en dirt. When I asked flight check guy why he passed the guy he said a coomercial ticket isn't that much different than a PPL. That's a point- my PPL cadidates could have flown the CPL flight check successfully.
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To Those Of You Helicopter Pilots, Nurses +2/-7 EMTs, Mechanics, Ground Crew 4/30/2022 10:09:54 PM