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Rich America... make the jump

Rich America... make the jump  

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Author: Airplane Andrew   Date: 4/5/2022 8:27:40 PM  +3/-3  

Look at the numbers being thrown around.  Rich America is more than willing to pay to fly.  Despite airlines that lose TONS of money annually and getting huge government bailouts and subsidies over the years.

The airlines have no problem paying TOP DOLLAR for pilots who have fought for many years to establish the pay and benefits they have.  Much like the Fort Rucker IP union (starting base pay of over $92K for a basic CFI job that other pilots get paid pennies for).  The airline pilots who have gone before you have paved the way... the pandemic only accerated the situation to make the benies get raised as the older generation retires. 

Make the jump!!! 

And for those who say "but what about furloughs?"  You can easily hang out for a year or two for the next pandemic/furlough after you've been making $100-180K for a few year.  If you're still junior when it happens, don't worry: HAA is ALWAYS hiring and you can pay the bills that way until the pandemic is over (and your seniority/pay will have gone up during that time you were away). 


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Rich America... make the jump +3/-3 Airplane Andrew 4/5/2022 8:27:40 PM