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Another One Bites The Dust

Another One Bites The Dust  

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Author: anony   Date: 3/27/2022 5:52:42 PM  +7/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The robinson product while good for what it is has absolutely zero margin for error.  Combine that lack of forgiveness along with it being the most popular training helicopter especially in the USA where you have 200hr pilots teaching 5 hour pilots its just simple math that accidents will occur.  They tend to be the most popular aircraft for private ownership, typically lower hour non commercial pilots who do not do this for a living and put themselves in bad positions due to their lack of experience.  That same lack of money which ended up with them selecting a R44 for a personel helicopter vs a 407/AS350 etc shows up with lack of proper maintenance.  Then just the shear number of these things out there combined with everything above and zero margin for error and lack of forgiveness you see what everyone has seen for 40 plus year.


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Another One Bites The Dust +0/-0 Queen 3/27/2022 11:01:01 AM