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VA Disability

VA Disability  

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Author: XRMH   Date: 3/19/2022 9:42:16 PM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I've got to agree with "AOPA is a great resource in such cases."  Join AOPA and pay for their Medical and their Legal services.  It's less $200 a year for their best package, and could very well come in very handy.  I'm a member and had them help me with two different medical issues over the years.  I'm still flying and those medical conditions still exist.  Also know a guy who, unfortunately, got a DUI.  Their legal service protected his rights and he is still flying too!

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VA Disability +1/-2 Broken 3/18/2022 12:13:15 PM