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Army overkill

Army overkill  

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Author: An Army Guy   Date: 3/13/2022 4:34:58 PM  +4/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Taught NVGs to IERW students.  Trust me; most of it is overkill.  Don't need to know 3/4 of the material to operate VERY safely with NVGs.

Here's a fun list since you're asking...

Distance Estimation and Depth Perception: BM-GRAM

Under G is LAV, R is KITO, A is FLL

Night use of lights is FLAPII

NVG Operational Characteristics: DIAL VP

NVG Operational Considerations: CALMWWADSOS

Under L is PET, W is FLASH (as previously posted), D is DATE

And there are PLENTY more... yada yada yada.

Just fly slow and make even more conservative wx decisions and you'll be fine.


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NVG questions +1/-3 Study Man 3/13/2022 3:09:03 PM
       NVG questions  +5/-1 been using NVGs for 5 years 3/13/2022 3:11:02 PM
       Army overkill  +4/-2 An Army Guy 3/13/2022 4:34:58 PM
         Army overkill  +1/-1 An Army Guy 3/13/2022 4:37:06 PM
           NVG   +3/-3 Seagull 3/13/2022 4:54:37 PM
             NVG  +2/-2 Flight school nerd 3/13/2022 7:11:51 PM
               NVG  +1/-2 I Have Been Using The Company  3/13/2022 7:20:07 PM
             NVG  +4/-2 Not 3/13/2022 7:54:29 PM
               NVG  +2/-4 NVG instructor 3/13/2022 8:35:42 PM
                 NVG  +0/-0 Yes, I 3/18/2022 10:40:03 PM
             Yeah and You Know What's Funny  +0/-1 Anonymous 3/15/2022 1:07:51 PM
           Army overkill  +0/-2 RTAGer 3/13/2022 8:46:41 PM
       NVG questions  +2/-1 :-) 3/14/2022 7:14:13 PM