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Bell 407 Autos / Fort Worth

Bell 407 Autos / Fort Worth  

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Author: OCONUS IP   Date: 3/4/2022 9:40:20 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Been flying helicopters (and FW) for 42 years.  Probably graduated US Army IERW before you were born.  Was privileged to be among the leading edge of Army NVG flying and was selected to attend the UH-1 IP Course as a junior CW2 a little over 2 years later.  I've been training helicopter pilots ever since.  Was recruited to all my post Army positions, including my current gig, making a very respectable 6 figures (the first figure isn't a 1 BTW).  That kind of thing happens when you have a EARNED a good reputation in the industry.  Was also sent to a couple of courses at Western Helicopters and blessed to be taught by Pete Gillies himself.  Those of you in the industry who didn't have the honor missed out!

So you see, your insults mean nothing to me, because you mean nothing to me. Just saying.....

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Bell 407 Autos / Fort Worth +0/-4 Twist Grip 3/4/2022 4:19:04 AM