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EC135 Crash

EC135 Crash  

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Author: anony   Date: 1/28/2022 9:06:45 AM  +5/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

From the report

"According to the flight medic, the flight was routine, and they were within 10 minutes of landing at 9PN2. He and the flight nurse were out of their seats treating the patient when a loud "bang" was heard, and the helicopter banked sharply right and continued into a right roll. The medic said that the helicopter rolled inverted, perhaps multiple times, and that he and the nurse were "pinned to the ceiling" and internal communication was lost. The helicopter was leveled, the patient was secured, the crewmembers secured themselves in their seats, and they braced for landing."

I understand the reddit post failed to use proper spacing, formatting and paragraph form making it easy to miss parts of the report if only scan reading.

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EC135 Crash +0/-0 Wild Ride 1/28/2022 8:41:43 AM