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LOL True. Iran and Russia will take the

LOL True. Iran and Russia will take the   

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Author: Tend   Date: 1/25/2022 4:38:11 PM  +9/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

to agreee.  

Our government's slide away from small govt. in to the mega-intrusion it has become has been evolving since Eisenhower warned about the dangers of the military industrial complex and other realities.  

Vietnam was the real expose of industry starting to control government.  It all has morphed in to a wink blink and nod'em reality involving the power elite throughout business, government and the military arms industry.  The players don't have to say a thing, they all just keep chugging forward in each other's interests.  Oligarchy by a different complex.  Rich get richer, poor get poorer because the rich are indirectly stealing all they can get. This is not Capitalism, it is theft, criminal theft.

Want to fix it?  Vote them out, vote for fewer government services (aka waste), vote for downsizing government - we certainly don't need all the ineffectual chrapppp they preside, so to speak, over. 



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Curious.. USA Arms Flights to Ukraine +0/-0 Some via China 1/25/2022 10:34:16 AM