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Medcrew apparently don't drive their cars when it rains

Medcrew apparently don't drive their cars when it rains  

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Author: XRMH   Date: 1/22/2022 11:41:05 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Is it "comfort level" or work ethic?   How about the medic I used to work with (and I use that term loosely!) who would bring an Xbox, games and a TV to work and set thim up in his room.  He would get ticked off if we got a call and complain about having to do his job.  He would say, "I didn't take this job to work!"

Again I ask, "comfort level" or work ethic?

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Medcrew apparently don't drive their cars when it rains +2/-4 Anonymous 1/21/2022 11:47:47 AM