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Another page on the board filled with HEMS ads.

Another page on the board filled with HEMS ads.  

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Author: The point    Date: 10/26/2021 6:58:44 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

 is HEMS is an activity that involves transporting patients to higher levels of care.  Pretty simple. What is not simple is the career prospects of being a HEMS pilot flying minimally equipped helicopters given the circumstances and huge distractions to pilot thinking and implementing the required activity alongside a medical vanguard devoutly pushing their control over companies and their on site employees to get their way.  This does never lets up and constantly confuses many variables whether one realizes it or not.  Burn out is the result, thus, pilots moving on to other opportunities.  

Money is not the primary problem.  It is respect and honesty towards the aviation people doing the flying and fixing. 

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Another page on the board filled with HEMS ads. +1/-1 Nothing ever changes. 10/16/2021 5:49:49 PM