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On-call is duty, so itncan be regularly assigned under (c)

On-call is duty, so itncan be regularly assigned under (c)  

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Author: Anonymous   Date: 10/13/2021 2:37:17 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"The Reg are generally pretty clear and functional just not so when some wanker decides to do an end run via interpretation which is only the province of FAA Legal in DC, and even they get it wrong at times due to their detachment from the field and lack of practical experience and connection to it."


That's like saying laws are pretty clear except when some wanker decides to go to court and caselaw is created to clarify exactly how the law applies, and the judge gets is wrong due to their detachment from the field...

Legal Interpretations clarify the regs. Simple as that.

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One more time: FAR 135.267(c) is NOT applicable +0/-2 to 99% of HAA operations! 10/11/2021 11:48:03 AM