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Compensatible, under the terns of the negotiated contract!!

Compensatible, under the terns of the negotiated contract!!  

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Author: Airlines don't pay "preflight" pay!   Date: 10/5/2021 8:23:09 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Not even those domiciled in California!

The ONLY reason AMC pays it is because they want to, not because the lost any law suit, and in doing so, they compensate unionized pilot's differently; pots wh apparently negotiated their own terms outside the union's sole representation designation. Who needs a union now if you can negotiate on your own for a special subset of class and craft employees under the RLA!

The "union" has don a disservice to the rest of their members here by not stepping in and declaring their sole representation rights!
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14 hour rule +7/-2 AMC UNION 9/20/2021 9:21:36 PM