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So, local residents don't get any 'out of pocket' bills, but non-residents get billed, even though they help pay for Monroe County government things!

It is an entire tax base that funds the operating costs of Trauma Star, but only local's are reaping the benefit.   If I live in Georgia and go to the Keys and rent a house for two weeks, I am paying for the taxes in my rent, but DON'T have the same "no-out-of-pocket" benefit as someone local.   That is an unfair taxation then!

You called someone a "freeloader" for driving on roads in Monroe County, but they are helping to fund Trauma Star from their rent money paid, hotel taxes paid, gas taxes paid, etc.  It goes to a taxing authority called Monroe County!!


No commerical HAA operator has such a MON0P0LISTIC special revenue generating ability!