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Had a Ec-135 pilot flying O&G out of LCH once.


Dude was a cluster you know what.


One day he lands and somehow managed to get his strap from his lifevest swedged under the flotation deployment handle.


Did he carefully untangle the strap?  No.  He pulls and pulls and pulls on his vest till he blew the floats.


The bags inflated and in doing so snapped the transponder antenna clean off at the base.


Guess who had to install a new transponder antenna, and then perform 8 hours worth of recertification testing for said transponder/alt reporting system 24 month inspection?


That's right this avionics guy right here.


The Mechanics weren't too happy with him either having to repack floats.


How Some of you manage to make it this far through life without slipping in the tub and breaking your neck, or dying from dysentery because you forgot to take a $#!t is beyond me.

