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Currently troubleshooting an aircraft that is stuck in a pretty remote place.

 After landing and shutting down he heard very loud static over the ICS, then the VEMD and Garmin 500 screens went dim.

 He turned off the battery and then turned it back on and the start sequence engaged, even though the switch was in the off position. He duplicated it a couple time and recycled the Starter switch a few times...problem persists.

 He did let it light off on one of the attempts and had strange VEMD displays and a GOV light came on...not sure if yellow or red.

 I do know that this aircraft just a day or two ago had a new Starter Gen put in for troubleshooting, then swapped back to the older one. This aircraft for the last couple years has had very loud static over ICS during the start sequence up until about 12% N1 then it stops. Static only heard on battery starts. If using Start Stick or APU no static is heard.

We have a mechanic headed his way with a new Start Gen but any advice from the collective wisdom here would be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks in advance.

robbie ranger, three fiddy, HEMS sucks, sabine ufos...blah blah