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On JH home page it has a video of the Red Bull Helicopter doing acrobatics, rolls and loops and a short,(very) short image of inverted flight giving the impression of sustained inverted flight.  Impression given: helicopters can fly inverted just like an airplane !  No explanation of rotor systems or types of rotor systems i.e. ridged, articulated, tettering etc . No mention of positive and negative G loadings, speeds or explanations of the maneuvers.  

It was an interesting video but my gripe is, all of the responses from the viewers of the video give the impression that the public thinks any helicopter, any place, any time can fly fully aerobatic maneuvers.  Any bets on when a Robbie student decides an R22 can fly inverted and decides to give it a try.  My real gripe is in talking to new primary students (not just military) is they are not being taught enough real world advanced rotor dynamics and differences.  Fly safe and remember the big blades belong on top.