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EC135 with metro EMS kit and Ferno 28-A1 stretcher.  Stretcher has a placard of 700lbs, I was told the limit was 350lbs, our WB app only allows up to 350lbs to be entered.  I'm trying to find where the 350lbs is written as a limitation.  I've gone through the standard limitation in the RFM, there is a 600kg/square meter floor loading limit.  The FMS for the EMS kit that references the stretcher installation does not state any weight limitation.  Gone through the drawings and maintence manual for the stretcher and ems kit and cannot find it.  

The placard section of the EMS kit actually show 2 placards that say "P/N 135M-3500 IT-1 EVALUATED FOR A MAX WEIGHT OF 196 LBS. CONTAINMENT DIMENSIONS IN INCHES OF 21H X 74L X 20.5W. MAX VERTICAL CG<10.5"

Our stretcher is a Metro PN 135M-3500-2.

And yes I'm asking other in the company where I can find the 350 number but asking here too......