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a union is only as strong as it's members. get involved or quit crying.

a union is only as strong as it's members. get involved or quit crying.  

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Author: olderendirt   Date: 11/10/2023 1:33:42 PM  +3/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"a union is only as strong as it's members. get involved or quit crying."

Your union reps are sacrificial victims of your weakness. Figure it out, numby- certain pilots are active in organizing a bargaining unit. Then, the leadership of the local are largely those same people. I retired 10 years ago after actively participating in organizing two company's pilots. Those few mootivated pilots willing to put their jobs on the line and do the work to organize their fellow pilots paid dearly for their effort.

Meanwhile, the number of pilots I spoke to about being active in their local whose answer was "I pay my 1%. I don't need to go to meetings, etc.'" consisted of the vast majority. They can't be bothered to attend meetings, even online. Accurately assessing the passivity of the majority, some of the organizers are terminated or otherwise punished.

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Crap, you guys were right +13/-0 Shame 11/10/2023 11:09:42 AM