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AMC partners with Skyryse

AMC partners with Skyryse  

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Author: Whiskey Tango Fox   Date: 8/17/2023 2:40:17 PM  +15/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The ultimate example of arrogant executives making huge business decisions, while being completely ignorant of how the business actually works. So many red flags...

The primary argument for fly-by-wire is increased reliability through simplicity; replacing mechanical linkages with electronics. This system is the worst of both; the same mechanical parts being controlled by additional electronic equipment. Resulting in an even higher probability of failure.

Reducing pilot workload to focus on other tasks... seriously? Does AMC really believe their pilots are too incompetent to handle the cyclic, collective and anti torque pedals (not rudder, you clowns) while talking on the radio and and making decisions? You want to increase safety? Focus on what is actually killing your pilots... IIMC.

Which leads to the next layer of idiocracy. They claim that this system will allow flight into low visibility. AMC thinks a stablized helicopter can't hit wires or terrain? What a great message you're sending showing an R44 scud running and one of your pilots talking about how they hate declining flights.

For the sake of argument, let's assume this dumpster fire of an idea gets certified and equipped. Your pilots might not go into an unusual attitude and lose control due to being disoriented... but being stablized without following IFR procedures will still get you killed. And adding this system will not get your 407's or AS350's certified for IFR. Nor will it magically increase the short supply of pilots with the appropriate experience and knowledge to fly SPIFR.

Also, Skyryse is a huge red flag in itself. Not only is the entire business strategy half-baked, they have dumped a ton of money into superficial optics... like a 27k sqft HQ in CA. How do you possibly justify an expense like that before even having product on market?

I'd wager AMC's hidden agenda is that they believe this system can be used to radically lower pilot experience requirements and slash pilot salaries. While promoting it under the blatant lie of 'safety'. What a joke.

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AMC partners with Skyryse +1/-2 confirmed in Town Hall meeting today 8/17/2023 12:41:31 AM