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"A lot of pilots not liking the new pay scale"

One will never have a company wide pay scale that makes everybody happy. The company will want to reduce the cost of employment while bringing the best people on board. Unfortunately, the 'economic' side of that issue will most likely determine the outcome. the result is that people will always believe they are underpaid, but integrity demands that one do the best job possible, exceeding minimum requirements, whenever possible.

Even when the individual is able to actually negotiates personal compensation, some compromises will be made. The employer always has more options and brings more power to the company negotiation. This is exactly where a union is most beneficial, the company will have competent legal advice and, likely, better knowledge of the industry job situation. A pilot union can enable some equality in the process although it will never remove or balance the 'personal side' in that. You want that job, the company knows that and they know there are other candidates. The people making the decision are as susceptible to mistakes, prejudice, as any human being.

In the end, an unsatisfactory contract is motivation to move. If you're not prepared to do that, you are negotiating from a position of weakness and you will not get the best contract possible.